Friday, September 24, 2010

Mockingjay equals a total Tearjerker.

Okay first off, if you haven’t read the last installment of the Hunger Games Trilogy, (seriously what is wrong with you?) stop reading this and go read the book RIGHT NOW!

Basic summary: Katniss Everdeen, Girl on fire. Survived. Her home has been destroyed. Gale escaped and helped her family escape. Peeta got captured by the Capitol. District 13 really does exist. A new revolution is unfolding. And Katniss has been a part of the revolution without even knowing it. District 13 comes out of hiding and plots to over throw the capitol. Katniss becomes the Mockingjay, the rebel’s pawn. A war embarks. The rebels take over the capitol, but lives were lost. The Future of Panem has forever changed.

I didn’t even get 50 pages in before I started bawling my eyes out. Haymitch had given Katniss a sketchbook that Cinna had made for her Mockingjay costume. On the very last page of the sketch book, under a drawing of the mockingjay pin, cinna had written, “I’m still betting on you.” I literally balled my eyes out. It made me fully realize that Cinna wasn’t around anymore, (however I was still holding out hope, that the capitol hadn’t killed him and that he was just being held captive like Peeta.) Speaking of Peeta, every time he was mentioned in the first few 100 pages I wanted to cry like a baby. It was so heart wrenching, knowing how much Katniss wanted to save Peeta. She loved him and didn’t want to lose him.

And if it wasn’t news about Peeta that made me cry like a baby, it was news about Gale. Oh Gale, Gale, Gale, how I love Gale. (Totally Team Gale all the way! ) Can I mention once more that I love Gale?

Finnick. Another character that I totally love. Most of the time I was laughing at things he would say. And when Annie and Finnick are reunited, it’s just the most heart wrenching thing ever. You just want to cry of happiness, which of course I did. And when they got married, it was just so bittersweet.

Peeta gets rescued but the boy has been corrupted by the capitol which of course made me want to punch him in the face and throw him down a flight of stairs and tell him to stop being such a dumbass. Gah Peeta!!

Boggs. Haha Boggs, he was a good man. I liked him. When Gale or Katniss did something that they weren’t supposed to he just let it go and didn’t bother getting them into trouble. He took Gale kicking him in the face as a no biggie. (Heck I would have been pissed as hell at the fact that someone kicked me in the face.) And I love how Boggs knew that something wasn’t quite right with Coin. And Let me just say this; the way Boggs was killed was just wrong. His legs were blown off, so he only had his upper body. That's just gruesome and not right at all.

And then the way that Finnick dies? That was just plain wrong too!! Katniss shouldn’t have left Finnick down in the sewer. She could have saved him!! Totally UNFAIR!!

And don’t even get me started on the way Prim died. Seriously pissed at that. Out of everyone to die, Prim. The main reason Katniss even was in the Hunger games was because she took Prim’s spot, so that her little sister wouldn’t have to go through all of that. It was just so unexpected and not right at all. And the fact that Katniss witnessed it was totally not kosher. Prim was the most innocent one in the whole damn book. Her death caused me to seriously cry buckets.

I nearly had a spaz attack when I found out that Effie was still alive, I was thinking that maybe just, maybe Cinna was still alive since Effie was. But sadly my hopes were diminished, because he really did die.  (Lame sauce to the extreme!! )

When Katniss is supposed to shoot, Snow, she shoots Coin instead and then Snow starts laughing, I couldn’t help but laugh at how snow died. He died while laughing. Or getting stomped by the crowd. No one was really sure on how he died exactly, but I’m going with the whole he died while laughing thing.

The most heartbreaking line in this entire book was said by Gale. “Keeping your family alive was the only thing I had going for me.” I seriously cried buckets and buckets of tears. I had to put the book down and cry for at least ten minutes straight. My poor Gale. I hated the way Katniss was treating Gale towards the end of the book. I wanted to punch her in her face just like I wanted to punch Peeta. (Damn I think I have anger issues toward fictional book characters. LOL)

And when I found out that Katniss ends up with Peeta in the end, I was pissed. I don’t know about all of you Team Peeta fans, but I honestly thought that Katniss would end up with Gale. They were just so perfect for each other. Gale Knew her far better then she knew herself. It just made me mad that they didn’t end up together. Don’t get me wrong I do love Peeta, but I was always rooting for Gale.

You know what I just realized I haven’t really mentioned Haymitch at all. In my head I picture Haymitch as this white haired stubborn drunk old man, who’s kind of like a grandfather figure that you argue with. There were times that I wanted to slap Haymitch and tell him to Stop being so stubborn and to actually tell Katniss what his plans were. (See what I mean about having anger issues towards fictional book characters? I always want to punch them or slap them when they make me mad. LOL)

All in all Mockingjay is a total tearjerker. It totally tops my list of most tearjerker books.  I actually didn’t think anything could actually top Dear John, but Mockingjay definitely has, especially with lines like “I’m still betting on you.” And “Keeping your family alive was the only thing I had going for me.”  Sigh. Seriously an amazing book, despite the fact that so many characters that I loved died so unexpectedly.  It’s like when you were least expecting something bad to happen, it would. When things were bad, you would think, okay nothing else bad is going to happen, but then bam something drastic happens and you’re totally dumbfounded and shocked.  Oh and one last thing, I wanted to share with you. A very insightful passage from the book that I absolutely loved.

“I won’t do it. If I can’t kill myself in this room, I will take the first opportunity outside of it to finish the job. They can fatten me up. They can give me a full body polish, dress me up, and make me beautiful again. They can design dream weapons that come to life in my hands, but they will never again brainwash me into the necessity of using them. I no longer feel any allegiance to these monsters called human beings, despise being one myself. I think Peeta was onto something about us destroying one another and letting some decent species take over. Because something is significantly wrong with a creature that sacrifices its children’s lives to settle its differences. You can spin it any way you like. Snow thought the Hunger Games were an efficient means of control. Coin thought the parachutes would expedite the war. But in the end, who does it benefit? No one. The truth is, it benefits no one to live in a world where these things happen.” – Mockingjay p. 377

What are your thoughts on Mockingjay? Did you love it as much as I did or did you hate it? Did you have characters that you wanted to punch in the face? Feel free to share your thoughts with us in a comment below.

And may the odds ever be in your favor……

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