Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hilary Duff's Elixir hits bookstores today!

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Whoa Whoa What?
Hilary Duff wrote a novel?
Say What?

Indeed she has. Apparently last week when i was compiling a list of books being released this month, I missed this particular one. (I'm currently smacking my forehead and telling myself I'm an idiot.) Hilary Duff who is a former Disney star, turned Pop Singer / Actress has now added being an author to her impressive resume. (Giddy with joy.) It's awesome to see the "good" celebs do something besides movies, T.V shows and releasing an Album. Especially a celebrity whom I am a huge fan of.

Elixir By Hilary Duff - Co authored By Elise Allen,

"As the daughter of a renowned surgeon and a prominent Washington D.C politician, Clea Raymond has felt the glare of the spotlight her entire life. And though she dreads the paparazzi who track her every move, she herself is a talented photojournalist who takes refuge in a career that allows her to travel to the most exotic parts of the world.
But after Clea's father disappears while on a humanitarian mission, eerie, shadowy images of a strange and beautiful young man begin to appear in Clea's photos- a man she has never seen in her life.
When Clea suddenly encounters this man in person she is stunned- and feels an immediate and powerful connection. As they grow closer, they are drawn deep into the mystery behind her father's disappearance and discover the centuries-old truth behind their intense bond.
Torn by a dangerous love triangle and haunted by a powerful secret that holds their fate, together they race against time to unravel their past in order to save their future- and their lives."
Sounds like a pretty rad supernatural book to me. What do you say? Will you pick this up and buy it?

P.S. Thank you Hollywood Crush for posting an Article on HDuff's New Book. To read their article click here.

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