Friday, October 29, 2010

November: Welcome to Harry Potter month!!

Tiffy and I have decided to dedicate the entire month of November to "Harry Potter", considering Part 1 of the last film shall release on November 19th.

We are planning to schedule two different shows on Blog Talk Radio. One before the film is released to have one more final discussion about the books and our long quest over the last few months, trying to re-read the entire series altogether one last time. What do we want to see in the film, and what perhaps, do we think is going to be cut out?

And finally, join us for another show at the end of the month, after the release so we can discuss our thoughts and critique of the film. Did it live up to our expectations? It has been a long road to the end, and we are going to celebrate it as best we can!!

Stay tuned!!

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